
124 City Road, London, EC1V 2NX, UK

Tel. +44 20 3397 0340


Marine Master Group is an international marine services company based in London. Established in 2014, we provide shipping agency, marine and technical services and supplies, marine surveys and ship management. Combining unmatched experience and specialised skills of our staff across several maritime disciplines, we offer Crewing & Shipmanagement, Marine Services, Ship Supplies, Agency and Operations, various Surveys and Technical Services — all powered by our network of offices in West African countries. We embrace the power of change to create value and shared success for our clients, people, shareholders, partners and communities.


Our staff come from diverse shipping backgrounds – Masters, Chief Engineers, Naval Architects, Marine Logistics, Shipbrokers. They bring years of experience in various shipping disciplines, having worked in all parts of the globe – Europe, the Middle East and Africa, the Caribbean, North, Central and South America, South East Asia and Russia. Our network of associates and correspondents extends around the world.

Our offices

Contact one of our departments to talk to us


124 City Road, London, EC1V 2NX, UK
+44 20 33 97 0340


Marine Master Group / 2A LOGISTICS & TRADING. Immeuble Kabalane, 1st Floor, Arras VGE, Treichville, Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire
28 BP 414 Abidjan 28
+44 20 3397 0340
WA +225 04 272886 /
TEL +225 0504 272886


1 Jordan drive, off Freetown road, Freetown, Sierra Leone
+44 20 3397 0340
+232 3007 6352


Marine Master Group/AFRICA
2000, INC. Bush Intercontinental Airport, 3232 Igloo Road, Houston, TX 77032,
+44 20 3397 0340
+1 281-209-2400


Marine Master
Group, Central Park, Office 207, Ave Malick Sy x Autoroute, Dakar, Senegal
+44 20 3397 0340
+221 33 842 1500
WA +221 78 1263293


Marine Master Group / KBS Guinee – Conakry – C/Kaloum | Almamya ll | Secteur Amilcar Cabral | Immeuble Sampil
+44 20 3397 0340


Get in Touch

We provide the highest quality services to our clients.

To discuss any of our services or bespoke solutions for your particular needs, please get in touch with us.

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