Our teams in London, the Middle East and West Africa help our clients with shipping their cargo, shipbroking, and chartering activities. We also provide crewing, manage ships (both commercial and technical management) and help with ship registration and classification.
Our clients value our shipbroking and chartering services - provided by our team or in cooperation with Albert Mortensen Shipbrokers, who has been in the market for over 30 years.
o Shipbroking
o We help Owners find cargo for their ships and locate a suitable tonnage for Charterers
o Chartering
o We provide full-scale chartering services for voyage and time charters, COAs (Contract of Affreightment) or chartering for whole or part cargo for bulk, gencargo, heavy-lift and project cargo, sometimes involving transhipment, offshore or shallow draft barging and tugging.
o Our clients value our experience in offshore towages worldwide, especially in West Africa.
The Shipmanagement and Crewing Department provides valuable services for our Shipowner clients. We can offer complete technical or commercial management of our client's vessels. We can also help our clients part-manage their vessels in West African waters by providing crewing and technical assistance support through our Middle East and West Africa workshop teams.
o Shipmanagement - technical and commercial
o Crewing - finding and managing crew for your vessels
o Provision of a Ship Security Officer
o Implementation and management of ISM System for your ships
We help our clients with their vessel registration and classification.
o Ship flag registration services
o Ship Classification - we are representatives of various classification societies in West Africa. Among other classification societies, we represent the Dromon Bureau of Shipping (Greece) in West Africa.
o Flag State Inspection - we are deputy registrars for the various Flag States.